One Word 2018

2017 is ending, and New Year’s resolutions are being written. One word for 2018 is being picked. I have gone back and forth on whether or not I want to pick a word this year. I have for the last two years, and they have helped me so much as a teacher and as a person. I hadn’t decided until yesterday morning that I did want a word for 2018.

As soon as I made the decision, my word came to me: PURPOSEFUL. This is a word I keep being drawn to and I can’t seem to get it out off my mind.

Merriam Webster defines purposeful as: 1. having a purpose: such as meaningful or intentional 2. Full of determination

I want to be purposeful with my words. I want purpose in my purchases, my classroom, my books, my time, my food, and my exercise. I want to be purposeful with the media I consume, the books I read. I want purpose for this blog and the apps on my phone. I want to be purposeful with my social media accounts, with the habits I break, and with those I create. I want to be purposeful in how I choose to educate myself and how I choose the places I visit.

2017 may have been rough, but it makes me all the more determined to fill 2018 with meaning purpose.

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