My Blogging Story

To really get myself blogging i have joined Edublogs weekly #edublogsclub challenge. They will be sending out a prompt once a week and then you have a week to write it. My goal is to post weekly and to make sure I am reading and commenting on other blogs too! 

This first post is about sharing your blogging story.

I would not say I am new to blogging but I am not an expert by any means either. My first blog was Xanga back in the day and I am sure it was full of teen angst. Then I moved to blogger while I was in college, I did move that blog to wordpress but I stopped blogging when I finished college. The picture above is an old blog header I had at one point (talk about classy) I had a pretty good following and read quite a few personal lifestyle blogs regularly. As I said though I dropped the ball when I graduated college, i just felt like my life was going in a new direction and I didn’t know how to keep sharing. (Perfectly Flawed if you want a little peak into my old blogging life)

When it comes to educational blogging I would say I am quite new to it.

I have had this blog for just over a year and have written about a half dozen posts. I would like to write more. My struggle is I don’t know exactly what direction I would like to take this blog, I would like it to be reflective of my thoughts and practice, I want to share ideas and resources and I want to just share my life. All these ideas in my head have kept me from blogging consistently or really knowing where to start.

Hopefully this blogging club will get me started and give me some inspiration.

I also would love to start collecting blogs to read. Please share one or two in the comment that you just love!

Have a happy week!




15 thoughts on “My Blogging Story

  1. Hi Tara!
    I can relate to your goals for the challenge – I too, am hoping to find clarity in what the driving force behind my blog will be.
    I don’t yet have any favourite blogs to read (I’m new to that too!) but promise to share when I find one.


  2. Hi Tara,
    Glad to connect through this club. I know all your blogging experiences will serve you well in this new education blog. I’ll be reading and trying to learn from those of you who have done this before.

    I don’t follow many blogs, but I read Peter Greene’s religiously. He’s the Curmudgeon of education!

    : ) Susan
    Twitter: @ssvincent


  3. Hi, Tara, glad to connect with you via #EdublogsClub and I look forward to seeing in what directions you take your blog space. The great thing is that since blogs are so personal and you truly have nothing to prove to anyone reading, it can be as singularly-focused or as versatile as you’d like it to be! I think the important thing is to write for you and your own learning and reflection.


  4. Tara,

    I have the same issues that you have! I want to write about education but I also wish I could write some personal experiences to share with my family. I’m thinking I might just do it! Just have a blog about myself and whoever is interested in my thoughts can get to know me better!

    Thanks for this post 🙂 And for sending the link to me! Will be looking forward to keeping each other accountable this year!

    – Maggy


  5. Hi Tara

    I think the Edublogs Club will give you inspiration. I know it has inspired me. Reading and commenting on all the posts have given me so many different ideas of what I want to share.

    It’s hard to suggest blogs to read because I’ve always felt that reading blogs is similar to our choices of books, TV and movies.

    My suggestions are:
    1) Try to read and comment on as many posts from the Edublogs Club as you can — as this will you work out which ones you want to follow more closely.
    2) Monitor the blogs that are being shared on your social networks as these often include ones that you will find helpful.
    3) I know RSS isn’t as popular as it once was but it does make reading blogs faster. Let me know if you want more information on how to use RSS.



  6. G’day Tara,
    As Lyn said, your blog can be for any reason you want. I personally have different blogs for family history, travelling and photography as well as the one for work where I am posting for #EdublogsClub.

    But if you want to use just one blog for lots of different uses, you will need to start using categories and tags to differentiate the types of posts you are writing.

    Will be interesting to see how you decide to use this blog in the future.


  7. I’ve been blogging (educationally) for about seven years now. I started by having it as a window into my classroom via the students. When I transitioned out of the classroom, my blog went in the direction of technology integration. What’s nice about the blog, its your space. Every now and then, I veer off course of tech related posts and have a category for soapbox/rants. Just post authentically about what happens in your educational journey.


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